

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"The point is, that every piece of art changes your whole perception of the rest of the world for the rest of your life. And it's not a joke! And if it doesn't, then it's not art, it's a commodity."

        Well, Rubens is always talking about subjective vs. objective in class, and discussions about subjective vs. objective are always prevalent in art school and the art community. I can understand the objective side of viewing art, based on the history of art, and general skill of the artist. But the above quote is directed at an individual. (Notice: your instead of their) Anyway, because the quote is directed at an individual it has to be subjective. There cannot be one piece of art that changes every single individuals view and perception of the world, that is nearly impossible. There can be however, a piece of artwork that can change one person's perspective. Is this not art then? Changing one person's perspective out of the billions on this world?
      And surely, commodities have changed people's perceptions on the world. And some commodities can probably change perceptions more wide spread than some art. 
      I just don't know how i feel about this quote. It seems like it should be right, but it is just not.

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